A Beginner's Guide to SQLX: Getting Started

Are you new to SQLX and feeling overwhelmed by all the information out there? Don't worry, we've got you covered! In this beginner's guide, we'll take you through the basics of SQLX and get you started on your journey to becoming an expert.

What is SQLX?

SQLX is a Rust library that provides a type-safe SQL library for Rust applications. It takes the static query strings and returns the entire SQL resultset as a Rust type. It's a pure Rust library that is used for asynchronous database handling in Rust.

How does SQLX work?

SQLX operates by using Rust's type-system to its advantage. It provides a way of generating Rust types to represent the result of SQL queries. SQLX code is written on top of Rust's async/await syntax which allows for the efficient handling of database connections and queries in an asynchronous environment.

Getting Started with SQLX

Before you begin using SQLX, you'll need to have Rust installed. Once you have Rust installed, you can add SQLX to your project by adding the following lines to your Cargo.toml file:

sqlx = { version = "0.5.7", features = ["postgres", "macros"] }

The features array specifies which database vendors you want to support. In this example, we're using the postgres database driver.

Writing Your First Query

Once you've got SQLX installed, you can write your first query. Let's start with a simple query that returns the first name and last name of all employees in a table employees:

use sqlx::{PgPool, Pool, postgres::PgPoolOptions};

struct Employee {
    first_name: String,
    last_name: String,

async fn get_employees(pool: &PgPool) -> Result<Vec<Employee>, sqlx::Error> {
    let employees = sqlx::query_as!(
        r#"SELECT first_name, last_name FROM employees"#


async fn main() -> Result<(), sqlx::Error> {
    let database_url = "postgres://username:password@localhost:5432/mydatabase";
    let pool = PgPoolOptions::new().connect(database_url).await?;

    let employees = get_employees(&pool).await?;
    println!("{:#?}", employees);


In this example, we're using the query_as! macro, which executes a query and returns a resultset mapped to a Rust struct that we define. In this case, we're defining a Employee struct which has two fields first_name and last_name.

Querying Databases with SQLX

SQLX supports a variety of database vendors out of the box, including PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite. To query different databases, you'll simply need to change the connection URL and specify the appropriate feature set in your Cargo.toml file.

A query using SQLX starts with the query! macro, which takes the SQL query as a string. Let's take a look at a more complex example:

use sqlx::{PgPool, Pool, postgres::PgPoolOptions};

struct Product {
    name: String,
    price: f64,

async fn get_products(pool: &PgPool, min_price: f64) -> Result<Vec<Product>, sqlx::Error> {
    let products = sqlx::query_as!(
        r#"SELECT name, price FROM products WHERE price > $1"#,


async fn main() -> Result<(), sqlx::Error> {
    let database_url = "postgres://username:password@localhost:5432/mydatabase";
    let pool = PgPoolOptions::new().connect(database_url).await?;

    let products = get_products(&pool, 20.0).await?;
    println!("{:#?}", products);


In this example, we're querying the products table for all products with a price greater than $20. We're using the $1 syntax for the parameterized values in our query.


SQLX is a powerful Rust library that provides a type-safe interface for SQL queries. With SQLX, you can write Rust code that interacts with databases in a type-safe manner. SQLX provides support for multiple database vendors and uses Rust's async/await syntax to provide efficient database handling in Rust applications.

In this beginner's guide, we've covered some of the basics of SQLX, including how SQLX works, how to get started with SQLX, and how to write your first query. As you continue to learn SQLX, you'll find that it's a powerful tool that can help you build efficient, robust, and well-organized Rust applications. Happy coding!

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