Advanced SQLX Techniques for Experienced Developers

Are you a seasoned developer looking to take your SQLX skills to the next level? Then look no further, because this post is for you!

SQLX is a powerful tool for working with databases in Rust. It provides a set of macros that allow you to write SQL queries in a safe and efficient way. But as with any tool, there are always more advanced techniques to be discovered. In this post, we will explore some of those techniques, and show you how to take your SQLX game to the next level.

Using Raw SQL with SQLX

The first technique that we'll cover is using raw SQL with SQLX. While SQLX provides a set of macros that make it easy to write safe and efficient SQL queries, sometimes you might need to use raw SQL.

For example, let's say that you have a complex query that you need to execute, and the SQLX macros just can't handle it. In this case, you can use the sqlx::query function, which allows you to execute raw SQL. Here's an example:

use sqlx::{Connection, PgConnection, query};

struct Person {
    id: i32,
    name: String,
    age: i32,

fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let pool = PgConnection::connect("postgres://username:password@localhost/test_db")?;

    let people: Vec<Person> = query(
        "SELECT id, name, age FROM people WHERE age > $1",

    println!("{:?}", people);


In this example, we are executing a raw SQL query that selects all people from our database who are older than 18. We then fetch the results into a vector of Person structs.

Using raw SQL with SQLX can be a powerful technique for handling complex queries that the SQLX macros can't handle. Just be aware that it can make your code less safe, so be sure to take extra care when using this technique.

Using Named Parameters with SQLX

The second technique that we'll cover is using named parameters with SQLX. While SQLX's macros are great for handling standard SQL parameters ($1, $2, etc.), sometimes you might want to use named parameters instead.

Named parameters make your code easier to read and understand, especially for more complex queries that require many parameters. Here's an example:

use sqlx::{Connection, PgConnection, query};

struct Person {
    id: i32,
    name: String,
    age: i32,

fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let pool = PgConnection::connect("postgres://username:password@localhost/test_db")?;

    let name = "Alice";
    let age = 30;

    let people: Vec<Person> = query!(
        "SELECT id, name, age FROM people WHERE name = :name AND age > :age",
        name = name,
        age = age,

    println!("{:?}", people);


In this example, we are using named parameters in our SQL query to select all people from our database whose name is "Alice" and who are older than 30. We define the values of our named parameters in the query! macro using a name = value syntax.

Using named parameters with SQLX can make your code more readable and easier to follow, especially for complex queries with many parameters.

Using Raw SQL Files with SQLX

The third technique that we'll cover is using raw SQL files with SQLX. While SQLX's macros are great for small queries, sometimes you might want to put your SQL code in a separate file for readability and maintainability.

For example, let's say that we have a complex query that we need to use in multiple places in our code. We could define that query as a constant in our Rust code, but that might make our code harder to read and maintain. Instead, we can put that SQL code in a separate file and use SQLX to load and execute that file. Here's an example:

use sqlx::{Connection, PgConnection, query_file};

struct Person {
    id: i32,
    name: String,
    age: i32,

fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let pool = PgConnection::connect("postgres://username:password@localhost/test_db")?;

    let min_age = 18;

    let people: Vec<Person> = query_file!(
        min_age = min_age,

    println!("{:?}", people);


In this example, we are using the query_file! macro to execute an SQL query that is defined in the src/sql/get_people.sql file. We pass the min_age parameter to the SQL query using the min_age = value syntax.

Using raw SQL files with SQLX can make your code more readable and maintainable, especially for complex queries that are used in multiple places in your code.


In this post, we have covered some advanced techniques for using SQLX with Rust. We have explored how to use raw SQL, named parameters, and raw SQL files with SQLX, which are all powerful techniques for handling complex queries.

By mastering these advanced techniques, you can take your SQLX skills to the next level, and become an even more efficient and effective developer.

So what are you waiting for? Start experimenting with these advanced SQLX techniques today, and take your Rust development to the next level!

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