Using SQLX with Different Databases: A Comparison

Are you tired of dealing with the quirks and limitations of your database driver? Do you want a more flexible way of interacting with your data? Look no further than SQLX, a powerful library that lets you work with multiple databases the way you want to. In this article, we'll compare using SQLX with different databases and explore the features that make it a great tool for any project.

What is SQLX?

SQLX is a Rust library that provides a set of macros and traits for working with SQL databases. It's designed to provide a high level of flexibility that makes it easy to work with different databases and data models. SQLX's main selling point is its ability to reduce the amount of boilerplate code developers must write when working with SQL databases. Instead of having to write separate queries and handle their results for each database driver, developers can use the same code for any database.

SQLX also offers a type-safe way of building SQL queries, which helps prevent common errors like SQL injection attacks. It supports a variety of databases, including PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, and Microsoft SQL Server. The library's flexible design means it can be used in a wide range of applications, from small embedded systems to large-scale web applications.

Getting Started with SQLX

To use SQLX in your Rust project, you'll need to add it to your dependencies in your Cargo.toml file:

sqlx = "0.5"

Once you've added SQLX to your dependencies, you can start using its macros and traits in your code. One of the most useful macros is sqlx::query!() which lets you build a SQL query in Rust code. Here's an example of how you might use this macro to query a PostgreSQL database for a list of users:

use sqlx::postgres::{PgPool, PgRow};
use sqlx::{Row, Column, Executor, Error};

async fn get_users(pool: &PgPool) -> Result<Vec<String>, Error> {
    let mut users = Vec::new();
    let mut cursor = sqlx::query!(
        SELECT username FROM users

    while let Some(row) = cursor.try_next().await? {
        let username = row.get::<String, _>("username");


In this example, we're using the sqlx::postgres::PgPool type to connect to a PostgreSQL database. The sqlx::query!() macro builds a SQL query that selects the username column from a table called users. We execute the query using the fetch() method provided by SQLX, which returns a cursor that we can use to iterate over the results.

Comparing SQLX with Different Databases

While SQLX provides a consistent interface for working with different databases, there are still differences in the way each database works. In this section, we'll compare using SQLX with several popular databases and highlight the unique features and limitations of each.


PostgreSQL is a popular open-source relational database management system that's known for its reliability, scalability, and advanced features. PostgreSQL is well-supported by SQLX and offers many unique features that make it a great choice for certain types of applications.

One of PostgreSQL's strengths is its support for advanced data types, such as arrays and JSON objects. SQLX provides support for these data types using Rust's built-in serde serialization library:

use serde::Deserialize;

struct Contact {
    name: String,
    email: String,
    phone: Option<String>,

async fn insert_contact(conn: &mut PgConnection, contact: &Contact) -> Result<(), Error> {
        r#"INSERT INTO contacts (name, email, phone) VALUES ($1, $2, $3)"#,,,


In this example, we're using PostgreSQL's support for a nullable column to handle the optional phone field in the Contact struct. We're also using Rust's serialization library to convert the struct to a format that PostgreSQL can store in its JSON data type.


MySQL is another powerful and widely-used relational database system that SQLX supports. MySQL is known for its speed and ease of use, but it has some limitations that can make it less suitable for certain types of applications.

One of the main limitations of MySQL is its lack of support for some advanced SQL features. For example, MySQL doesn't support window functions, which can make it more difficult to write certain types of queries. In addition, MySQL's date and time functions can be more limited than those of other databases.

Despite these limitations, SQLX provides robust support for MySQL, including support for transactions and prepared statements. Here's an example of how you might use SQLX with MySQL to insert a new user into a database:

async fn create_user(conn: &mut mysql::Conn, username: &str, password: &str) -> Result<(), mysql::Error> {
    let mut stmt = conn.prepare("INSERT INTO users (username, password) VALUES (?, ?)")?;

    stmt.execute((username, password)).map(|_| ())

In this example, we're using the mysql crate to connect to a MySQL database, but SQLX also supports MySQL through its own drivers.


SQLite is a lightweight and popular database engine that's often used in embedded systems and mobile applications. SQLite is known for its simplicity and ease of use, but it has some limitations that can make it less suitable for larger applications.

One of SQLite's main limitations is its lack of support for advanced SQL features like stored procedures and triggers. SQLite also has some performance limitations that can make it slower than other databases for certain types of operations.

Despite these limitations, SQLX provides robust support for SQLite, including support for transactions and safe Rust bindings for SQLite's C API. Here's an example of how you might use SQLX with SQLite to select a list of items from a table:

async fn list_items(conn: &SqliteConnection) -> Result<Vec<Item>, sqlite::Error> {
    let mut items = Vec::new();
    let mut cursor = sqlx::query!(
        SELECT * FROM items

    while let Some(row) = cursor.try_next().await? {
        let item = Item {
            id: row.get("id"),
            name: row.get("name"),
            price: row.get("price"),


In this example, we're using SQLX's SqliteConnection type to connect to an SQLite database. We're using a similar pattern as in our PostgreSQL example to fetch a list of items and convert them to a Rust struct.

Microsoft SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Server is a popular database engine that's often used in enterprise applications. SQL Server is known for its scalability and integration with other Microsoft technologies, but it has some limitations that can make it less suitable for certain types of applications.

One of SQL Server's main limitations is its lack of support for common table expressions (CTEs), which can make it more difficult to write some kinds of queries. In addition, SQL Server's support for some types of data can be more limited than other databases.

Despite these limitations, SQLX provides robust support for SQL Server, including support for transactions and prepared statements. Here's an example of how you might use SQLX with SQL Server to update a user record:

async fn update_user(conn: &mut SqlServerConnection, username: &str, email: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
        UPDATE users SET email = @p1 WHERE username = @p0


In this example, we're using SQLX's SqlServerConnection type to connect to a SQL Server database. We're using SQL Server's parameter syntax (like @p0 and @p1) to safely update a user's email address without risking an SQL injection attack.


SQLX is a powerful and flexible tool for working with multiple databases in Rust. By providing a consistent interface for working with different databases, SQLX reduces the amount of boilerplate code developers need to write and helps prevent common errors like SQL injection attacks. We've seen how SQLX can be used with different databases, each with their own unique strengths and limitations. Regardless of the database engine you choose, SQLX provides a great way to work with your data in Rust.

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